I don't mean to brag.
Yes, I do. I totally mean to brag!
I got a handmade Valentine from my husband!
Technically it's not the first handmade card I've received from him, but it is the first one he made by himself. The previous card, ironically, also a Valentine, was also made by the dog. This time around he was completely on his own.
When the Dude, You're Welcome Kitcame out, I bought one for my husband thinking that he would embrace the idea whole-heartedly. NOT! It was met with ambivalence and not nearly the excitement (or at least gratitude) that I was hoping for. So, for the past month or so it has sat on my shelf collecting dust. I was resigned to the fact that I would most likely be the one using it - perhaps to make a card for HIM.
So, yesterday morning, I went to pull out the kit and begin creating a fabulous Valentine for my husband. But, I couldn't find the stinkin' kit!! Where the heck did I put it? I looked everywhere! Now, mind you, my craft room can be a little chaotic at times and to "misplace" items is not all that uncommon, but I do eventually find them. Nope, not this time.
I suspect you know the ending. At some point yesterday he came in to my room, grabbed and put it in his briefcase to take to work.
He was very proud of his work - and frankly, so was I. He described in detail what he had to do to create this. From inking the stamp and making sure it was inked completely, to trying to clean the stamp when he was done. I told him how impressed I was with the pink accent. He told me it's a highlighter and he had an option of yellow or pink - and went with the pink. Gotta work with the materials you have and, at work, highlighters were the only source of color.
So, there you have it. If you buy the kit, it does get used...eventually. And, honestly, this card means more to me than any Hallmark I could ever get. Going forward, my husband will know exactly where to find the kit - just in case he is motivated to make another in the future. I won't count on anything too soon, but at least now I all that all things are possible!
Thanks for letting me brag!
Interested in the Dude, You're Welcome Kit? You can get it here.
Have a great day.