Mini Gift Box
Enjoying a brief hiatus

Non-stamping related

It's been a bit of a roller coaster around here lately.  The beginning of the week was good in that my niece was visiting from Colorado.  We spent a long weekend together visiting a few of the theme parks, going out to eat and "catching up".  It was wonderful to see her again.  Mid-week I had a job interview.  I won't know if I got the job until the end of next week, but I'm hopeful.  On Thursday, things went down hill.  One of our dogs, Luna, got very sick as a result of a recent vaccination and passed away on Friday morning.  We are very, very sad and we miss her a lot.  It's hard to concentrate when her absence is so noticeable.  I don't feel like stamping much these days.  I'm going to take the next few days to "regroup" and hope to be back in the swing of things again soon.

We miss you, Luna!

Mary Ann


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I'm so sorry about Luna. I know you all must feel the loss.

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